Friday, 21 June 2013

Windows - Bluestacks GUID MAC Address

CMD -regedit

noxsave noxsaveopt root=/dev/sda1 SRC=/android DATA=/dev/sdb1 SDCARD=/dev/sdc1 PREBUNDLEDAPPSFS=/dev/sdd1 HOST=WIN GUID=b29d353b-f31c-11e1-a112-dc3ea1f1211f VERSION= GlHotAttach=1 OEM=BlueStacks LANG=en_US armApps=true GlMode=1 P2DM=1

1 comment :

  1. I've managed creating full rooted Root.fs for the Bluestacks android app-player for mac OS X. The /system of bluestacks is rooted out of the box, however root-permissions ar restricted. So I've derived a replacement su file ('su.orig') and a symbolic link ('su') into /system/xbin. This was done under ubuntu-linux!

    Silvester Norman

    Change Mac Address
